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SCLInfotech is an overseas branch of Performix Business Services LLC . Which is a full provider of software consulting services. We currently offer services ranging from training, staff augmentation to complete project outsourcing. As part of our Integration practice we provide unified message solution provider for expedited business measurements.

Our Mission

Performix Business Services LLC 
wants to be a software consulting company of choice for both IT professionals and businesses. Although you will normally never see it stated by any other firm, we recognize that the goal of any small or large consulting company is to achieve financial success. What differentiates each firm is how they go about achieving this goal and the values demonstrated in the process. Many companies differentiate themselves from other companies by being the largest, the most profitable or even the fastest growing consulting company differentiate themselves from other companies by being the largest, the most profitable or even the fastest growing consulting company in the market. Those are not the factors that we wish to use to differentiate ourselves from other software consulting companies

our goal is to provide the most effective and efficient software solutions to the companies we serve.

Our Moto
The "Right Person" for the "Right Job" at the "Right Time"

Niche Services

Performix are experts at delivering measurements applications , including surveys and reports, in an expedited delivery model. The delivery of entire solution takes 4-6 weeks from inception to production. We realize that everyone talks about quality and measurement, however, when times comes to measure they lack in means and ability. We make your measurements of any scale feasible. We do so by using the latest technology and common sense approach to delivery. Our objective is to make it feasible for our clients to measure any major step or decision that is taken internally or externally. The measurement could be attached to sales, procurement, market-potential or compliance. • • Details...

Information Technology Focus

Our drive is to deliver value added service to our clients conforming to the best disciplines of software engineering and providing the highest Return on Investment possible in the industry. In order to achieve these goals we are working hard to keep ourselves at par if not ahead in the evolution of information technology. The two areas that we feel are very important for businesses of any size are web services/oo technology and data warehousing/business intelligence.

Industry Experience

We have experience of working in varied industry. It spans manufacturing, insurance, banking, airlines, software, ecommerce industries.
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